FSAI and FSA recalls this week

FSA: The Vegetarian Butcher recalls Little Willies Lincolnshire Style Sausages because they may contain plastic pieces

FSA: EH Booths recalls British Corned Beef because it may contain metal pieces 

FSA: Monolith (UK) recalls Halva because it may contain small pieces of metal

FSA Fromagerie Alpine recalls Saint FĂ©licien and Saint Marcellin raw cow’s milk cheese because of possible contamination with E. coli

FSAI: Recall of Tesco Finest St Felicien Du Dauphine Unpasteurised Cheese due to the Possible Presence of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli

FSAI: Recall of Saint Marcellin Unpasteurised Cheeses due to the Possible Presence of Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli O26

FSAI: Recall of Lackmann Tuschonka Konskaya Canned Horse Meat Due to Traceability Issues
