FSA updates warning on OxyElite Pro

The FSA is warning people not to consume a food supplement product called VERSA-1. This is in addition to the previous FSA advice not to consume another supplement called OxyElite Pro. 

VERSA-1 is produced by the same manufacturer of OxyElite Pro, which has been potentially linked to a number of cases of hepatitis in the US. Although VERSA-1 has not been associated with hepatitis, both supplements contain the unapproved novel ingredient aegeline.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has advised consumers to avoid both OxyElite Pro and VERSA-1 on a precautionary basis as aegeline cannot be excluded as a cause of hepatitis. Investigations are ongoing. OxyElite Pro and VERSA-1 are produced by USP Labs LLC of Dallas, Texas, and sold in the UK on the internet.

The FSA was alerted to warnings by the FDA on OxyElite Pro after a number of people became ill in Hawaii from acute non-viral hepatitis, a type of hepatitis not caused by viral infection and lasts up to six months. The FDA has reported 56 cases, with one death and two people requiring liver transplants. No cases of illness have been reported in the UK, but the FSA advises consumers not to take these products.

Source: FSA
