FSA update on E. coli outbreak in Germany

The German authorities have today updated their position on the E. coli outbreak in Germany.

While they are still unable to identify definitively the source, officials have said that further evidence suggests sprouted seeds, such as lentils, alfalfa, fenugreek and adzuki beans, are likely to be a potential source of the outbreak. They have advised German consumers that they no longer need to avoid eating cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce, but have said that raw sprouted seeds should not be eaten.

The FSA is continuing to work closely with other Member States and the European Commission to check on progress of the incident. It remains the case that there is no evidence that any affected food products have been distributed to any country other than Germany.

Latest figures from the Health Protection Agency indicate that the total number of confirmed cases of illness in England linked to the German outbreak is now 13. One case has also been identified in Scotland. All of these people are linked to recent travel to Germany.

The Agency is reminding consumers of the importance of basic food hygiene practices when preparing food.

It is a good idea to wash fruit and vegetables before you eat them to ensure that they are clean, and to help remove germs that might be on the outside. Peeling or cooking fruit and vegetables can also remove these germs.

Source: FSA
