Commission report published on hygiene legislation

The UK Food Standards Agency has issued an article on European hygiene legisation.

"When new European food hygiene legislation came into affect in January 2006, the European Commission made a commitment itself to provide a report by May 2009 that looked at the experience gained from the implementation of the hygiene package by all interested stakeholders.

This report was published in July 2009 and is based on information received from member states, representatives of the food industry and consumer organisations at European level, and the Commission's Food and Veterinary Office.

The Agency has issued a letter to interested parties seeking views on the report, which it has now placed on this website along with the Commission's Report. The Agency has also taken the opportunity to make stakeholders aware of the wide range of information we provide about the food hygiene legislation, including the regular provision of reports detailing negotiations on amendments to that legislation

Follow the link to download the relevant documents and letters.
