Recall of Prohibited Products Containing Non-Food Grade Grapefruit Seed Extract Supplied by The Aisling Foundation

The FSAI and Environmental Health Service of the HSE have been informed that The Aisling Foundation, Bantry, Co. Cork has placed grapefruit seed extract products on the market, for human consumption, in breach of a Prohibition Order, served on The Aisling Foundation on 4th October 2012 under the European Communities (Official Control of Foodstuffs) Regulations, 2010 [S.I. No. 117 of 2010]. 

Nature Of Danger: Possible irritant effects of components of the products on human tissues

Action Required: Inspectors: No specific action for EHOs but please notify of any concerns.

Manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, caterers & retailers: Food businesses should remove any of these products which were supplied to them since 04/10/12 from sale, inform customers not to consume the products and display point of sale notices in retail outlets.

Consumers: Consumers are advised not to consume the implicated products.
