Further strawberry flavour pencils recalled - this time Tesco

The UK Food Standards Agency has issued a food alert to confirm that Tesco Stores Ltd has recalled a batch of its own-brand Strawberry Pencils (75g) confectionary product, due to a small piece of metal being found within one packet of the product. "Tesco Stores Ltd has recalled the affected batch from sale. Product recall notices will be displayed in all stores. These notices alert customers to the recall and advise them of what actions to take if they have purchased the product.
The product recalled is:
Tesco Strawberry Flavour Pencils, 75g
Best Before End: 03/2010
Batch codes: All
No other Tesco products are known to be affected

This follows on from a similar recall in Sainsburys back in September. In that instance the product was the same size (75g) but had a different code: Best before end: July 2009
Batch codes: L-H 8213-3. Follow the original link to find out more.
